Monday, January 20, 2020

Garage door locks – additional security

Garage door locks secure our garages from intruders and burglars but they also give us peace of mind in knowing that while we sleep or are not home, our garage interiors are safe and protected from weather, thieves, nosy neighbors and vagrants. Does your Coral Gables, FL garage have a lock on it? Chances are it does. If you use an automatic garage door opener, it has one built in already but there are a plethora of additional locks on the marketplace that can also add extra security for your home or business garage door. Coral Gables Locksmith offers locals a variety of these locks ranging from very affordable to more pricey in nature. Call us or your favorite locksmith in your locale for additional details on these useful and practical pieces of garage door hardware.

There was a time…
Garage doors were not always automatic. Once, not too long ago, all garage doors were single tilt-up wood doors. There were no openers to lift and lower your door whenever you came and went. These garage doors were solid, one piece sheets that you manually move up or down depending on which way you were going. The automatic lock on the opener was not there because it didn’t exist yet. Now, with rolling doors and opener units, our garage doors can lock automatically when we shut them. Need proof? Try closing your garage door and lifting it up by hand – you can’t, can you? Our openers can now unlock, lock and move our heavy, rolling garage doors with the click of a button or even from inside the house or across the street. We can even stay in our cars while we do this. This alone adds extra convenience and security to our lives. But what if you want extra garage door security above and beyond these opener locks? Don’t worry – today’s automotive locksmiths have you covered!

Keypad Locks
Keypad locks are fairly common for residential garage doors here in Coral Gables, Florida. Look around and you often see these mounted on the outsides of garage doors in most every neighborhood. Gaining entry is simple - enter a key code into the keypad and the garage door will unlock and open or close as needed. Key codes can be changed on an as needed basis.

That’s right – the same padlock type that locked your high school locker can now secure your garage door from the inside. Just drill a hole in your track big enough to fit the ring of the padlock through and lock your garage door securely in place. The advantage of using a padlock is that they are very inexpensive and portable. The disadvantage is that you must lock the garage door from the inside and if you forget and attempt to open your door, you can burn your opener motor out by pitting it against the locked garage door track.

Read more on: Garage door locks – additional security

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Coral Gables Locksmith in Coral Gables, FL: Benefits of Home Safe

Have you ever thought about getting a safe for your home? There’s no time like the present! Can you imagine how you would feel if a burglar got into your home and stole some of your most valuable possessions? If only, right?
You don’t have to think about what ifs. Just call us at Coral Gables Locksmith in Coral Gables, FL and let us install that home safe for you. No matter what size or type of safe you are interested in, just let us know.

There are tremendous amounts of benefits that you can reap from a home safe. However, many people are not aware of some of these benefits. Make sure that you are informed so you can make the best choice regarding purchasing and installing your home safe. Want to find out some of the benefits that you can enjoy? Keep reading this article.

 Get a Home Safe… You Won’t Regret it!

A lot of people wrestle with a very crucial question- Should I purchase a home safe? There is really nothing to think about. The answer is very clear and obvious. Yes! Everybody should have a home safe. It doesn’t matter how safe your neighborhood is and it doesn’t matter how many valuable items you have. A home safe is a very important security hardware feature to have in your home. Just call a locksmith in your area to find out more about getting a home safe.

Whether you own your home or you are just renting, make sure you have a safe to store all your valuables. If your landlord does not want to install a safe, don’t worry. There are many safes that do not require you to tear down walls or dig into the floor. Just make sure you find one that offers all the features that you consider important.

There are many types of safes that are designed especially for residential use.
  • Wall safes

A lot of people tend to opt for wall safes when they are homeowners. It is a very convenient way to access your belongings and sometimes these safes can be hidden with wall paintings or other wall accessories. This way, you can keep them from being targets if a burglar gets inside your home.
Wall safes come in many different sizes too. If you have a little wall space or a lot of wall space, you should be able to find a safe that is the perfect size for the space that you have. One of the major drawbacks to purchasing a wall safe is making sure that it can be installed in your wall. If you have very thin walls right throughout your home, a wall safe may not be a very good option for you.

  • Floor safes
Although they are not as common as wall safes, floor safes are very valuable. In fact, many criminals may not think about floor safes when they rob your home. If you place that safe in a very inconspicuous location, no one will have to know that it even exists. Before you purchase a floor safe though, make sure that it can be installed into your floor.

  • Stand-alone units

Some safes are designed so they do not need to be installed in a wall or floor. Instead, you can place these safes in any space that you have available. Although these safes are so portable, they are still very effective at keeping your valuables safe. How? They have a locking mechanism that is very effective. Plus, some of these safes are disguised to look like a random piece of art or furniture so it is disguised very well and you would have no idea that it is a safe.

So, There Are Different Types of Safes… But Why Should You Get One?

Everybody knows that safes are good for protecting items. But do you really know how much protection a safe really offers? Do you know all the things that your safe can protect your valuables from? Safes offer so much protection that the high price that you pay to purchase and install them are much more than worth it. Just look at some of the advantages of having a home safe.

Read more: Coral Gables Locksmith in Coral Gables, FL:  Benefits of Home Safe

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Ignition Problems & Solutions

Not everyone enjoys driving but everyone can admit that it is a modern convenience that we really appreciate having. However, driving also comes with some challenges. There is the car insurance that must be maintained, maintenance work that needs to be performed regularly and let us not forget the car payments. Repairs can be expensive. Depending on the type of car you drive, even your car payment can be expensive. At Coral Gables Locksmith, we receive calls for ignition repair services. Yes, you might think that you have to contact an auto mechanic for this but since it involves your key, contacting us is also a good choice and often the less expensive option. Ignition problems can be minor or serious. If a key gets stuck in the ignition, this can be easy to handle but can become a serious problem if not handled correctly. If you have a key that is damaged or warped, this is usually when you’ll begin to have problems such as this. The one thing that we would strongly suggest that you do not do is yank the key out of the ignition out of frustration. This can cause damage to your cylinder. When the cylinder needs to be replaced, you’ll end up spending far more money than you would have if you just gave us a call to remove the key for you. Even if you do not cause damage to the ignition, yanking the key out could result in your key breaking off inside the ignition. You will still need to contact us to extract the key for you.

We don’t want you to blame yourself because having a key stuck in the ignition is simply something that happens. You can’t predict if and when it might happen to you. You may have been doomed from the beginning. Perhaps your key was not properly cut. This certainly wouldn’t be your fault. However, we don’t’ want you to worry when you face this type of problem because help is just a phone call away at Coral Gables Locksmith. We are available 24-hours a day to assist motorists who find themselvesin this situation. That is why you do not have to resort to drastic measures in order to get your key out of the ignition. However, if you would like to see what you can do on your own before contacting us for assistance, here are some things to consider:

When your car is turned on:

  • Check to see if the gear is the right positon. When it is in drive and not in park, you will be unable to remove the key from the ignition
  • Check to see if the dashboard indicator shows that the gear is positioned in the parked position. If it is not, again, you won’t be able to remove the key. Gently moving the key back and forth may loosen it up so that you can this extract it from the ignition.
  • When the key is out, you shoul be able place it back in the park position.
  • After this occurs, don’t ignore it because the problem could occur again. Instead, contact a qualified locksmith to evaluate this problem so that you can have it resolved.
Read more on: Ignition Problems & Solutions

Friday, January 5, 2018


Have you ever been locked out? You might have been on the wrong side of a locked door at home or when you were driving your car. Maybe you were at work and didn’t realize that the supply room door was always locked. Lockouts happen to all of us at some point. Each situation is unique in its own way and so is how we react to it. At Coral Gables Locksmith we deal with lockouts all the time. Our experience has shown that the best way to handle a lockout is to stay calm and deal with it in a methodical and orderly manner. So how do you go about doing this? Keep reading; we’ll show you.

Don’t blame yourself!

A lot of different emotions run through your head when you find yourself locked out. It’s different for everyone but most feel confused at first. How did this happen and why? Then anger can set in. How could you be so careless? Or, whose fault is this mess, anyway? Then, you might lapse into panic mode. How are you going to get out of this situation? How are you going to pay for it? Whom can you call? What about your plans? Are you in danger?

It’s easy to blame yourself or others but what good does it do? None, really; it often makes you feel worse. If that happens, you can’t think too clearly. The more befuddled your mind is, the less likely you are to get back inside. Start your “recovery” by NOT assigning blame to yourself or anyone else (at least for the moment!).

You are surrounded by locks!

It’s a fact; you (all of us!) are surrounded by locks, keys and lock hardware. At home, at our business, at work, and in our cars, we have locks of all kinds to keep us safe and secure. We appreciate the protection these locks provide us, but we also often underestimate just how easy it is to be a lockout casualty. We want our locks to work hard keeping unwanted intruders out but once in a while we become victims of our lock security!